VSDN - Video streaming services with Software-Defined Networking

Grant Agreement 753685 Individual Fellowships (IF) H2020-MSCA-IF-2016

Recent advances in mobile devices and video streaming services have motivated large-scale media consumption both in fixed and mobile environments. In this context, the main objective of network operators, media creators and service providers is to improve the QoE of end-users by providing high-quality services and interactive mechanisms for seamless adaptation to the specific network conditions of each user. However, the initial design of the Internet as a best-effort network makes it inappropriate for high-volume and bandwidth-intensive applications like video streaming, and recent studies show that just a couple of seconds of video buffering have a significant impact on user abandonment rate. Ideally, a service provider should place servers close to the end-users to overcome the limitations of the Internet architecture: Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), overlay networks built on top of the Internet infrastructure , offer the use of their distributed content delivery infrastructure service which can handle rapid changes in traffic demand. However, this is neither scalable nor desirable. Additionally, network operators currently employ centralized architectures (esp. in mobile networks) that lead to long communication paths between end-users and servers, waste of network resources and increased delays. This issue becomes increasingly important with the wider deployment and advances in wireless networks, which have more stringent resource limitations and fast-changing conditions.

VSDN proposes a cross-layer QoE-aware media delivery platform of video streaming services and propose a network architecture, which combines service negotiation at the application level, with the concept of SDN, leading to optimal (in a QoE sense) path assignment.
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This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 753685.