The Peer-to-Peer Wireless Network Confederation

   In metropolitan areas, public infrastructures for high-speed wireless networking can be built through the private contributions of individual micro-operators who use their Internet-connected Wireless LANs (WLANs) to forward foreign traffic from and to nearby low-mobility clients.

We have designed and implemented a practical WLAN aggregation scheme that:

  1. Assumes that micro-operators are selfish and do not trust each other, and uses a secure incentive technique to encourage their contribution.
  2. Protects the real-world identities of micro-operators and clients by relying only on disposable opaque identifiers (public keys).
  3. Is fully distributed, open to all, and does not rely on any authority to resolve disputes or to control membership.
  4. Is automated, using standard hardware and software that we developed for some of the main available platforms (Linux-based WLAN access points and Windows Mobile-based cell phones).

Features overview

Linksys WRT54G

The Linksys WRT54G Access Point
The MMLAB reference implementation of a P2PWNC-enabled WLAN access point is packaged as a custom firmware for the Linksys WRT54G WLAN access point, a $50 Linux-based device that is commonly used in Wireless Community Networks

QTEK 9100

QTEK 9100 - WLAN-enabled GSM cell phone
The MMLAB reference implementation of a P2PWNC client, along with a proof-of-concept VoIP client, is packaged as a Windows Mobile application for the QTEK 9100 WLAN-enabled GSM cell phone


  1. The density of WLANs and the low-cost of wired (DSL/Cable) broadband in metropolitan areas.
  2. The availability of WLAN-enabled mobile phones and the need for low-cost ubiquitous wireless access.
  3. The availability of inexpensive WLAN access points that can support the P2PWNC protocol without help from other devices.