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Airborne 2014 Workshop Table of Contents

Welcome Message from the Chairs
Kamesh Namuduri (University of North Texas)

Yan Wan (University of North Texas)

Gomathisankaran Mahadevan (University of North Texas)

Airborne Networks and Communications 2014 Workshop Organization

Workshop Presentations
Session Chair: Serge Chaumette (LaBRI/University of Bordeaux)

A Proposal for Exploring Data Mule Based Weak Rendezvous for Communication Between Loosely Coupled Convoys (Page 1)
Serge Chaumette (University of Bordeaux, LaBRI)

Rémi Laplace (University of Bordeaux, LaBRI)

GTA-m: Greedy Trajectory-Aware (m copies) Routing for Airborne Networks (Page 3)
Xiaoping Ma (Institute for Infocomm Research)

Hwee Xian Tan (Institute for Infocomm Research)

Alvin C. Valera (Institute for Infocomm Research)

Routing in a Fleet of Micro Aerial Vehicles: First Experimental Insights (Page 9)
Mahdi Asadpour (ETH Zurich)

Simon Egli (ETH Zurich)

Karin Anna Hummel (ETH Zurich)

Domenico Giustiniano (IMDEA Networks Institute)

Network-Coded Connected Dominating Set Relaying for Airborne Tactical Networks (Page 11)
Leonid Veytser (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Bow-Nan Cheng (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

A Comparison of OLSR and OSPF-MDR for Large-Scale Airborne Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (Page 17)
Greg Kuperman (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Leonid Veytser (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Bow-Nan Cheng (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Scott Moore (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)

Aradhana Narula-Tam (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)