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MobiHoc 2014

Airborne 2014

FOMC 2014

MobileHealth 2014

MSCC 2014

WiMobCity 2014

Compilation Author Index

Compilation Author Index

Abdljabar, Mohmmad B.

WiMobCity'14: A Smart Disaster Management System for Future Cities (Page 1)

Aberer, Karl

WiMobCity'14: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Processing Architectures for the Smart Grid (Page 91)

Ahmed, Ahmedin Mohammed

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Bacteria Inspired Mitigation of Selfish Users in Ad-hoc Social Networks (Page 421)

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Alani, Omar

WiMobCity'14: A Smart Disaster Management System for Future Cities (Page 1)

Alazawi, Zubaida

WiMobCity'14: A Smart Disaster Management System for Future Cities (Page 1)

Alrefaie, Mohamed Taher

MobiHoc'14: Demo – Road Speed Profile: From GPS Traces to Real-time Traffic Speed (Page 407)

Altowaijri, Saleh

WiMobCity'14: A Smart Disaster Management System for Future Cities (Page 1)

Ammar, Mostafa

MobiHoc'14: COSMOS: Computation Offloading as a Service for Mobile Devices (Page 287)

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An, Beongku

MobiHoc'14: Poster: A Simulation Analysis on the Hop Count of Multi-hop Path in Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Networks (Page 427)

Archer, Norm

MobileHealth'14: Toward Automated Categorization of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications (Page 49)

Asadpour, Mahdi

AIRBORNE'14: Routing in a Fleet of Micro Aerial Vehicles: First Experimental Insights (Page 9)

Baccelli, Emmanuel

MobileHealth'14: Message from the General Chairs of MobileHealth 2014

Ban, Xiaomeng

MobiHoc'14: Load Balanced Short Path Routing in Large-Scale Wireless Networks Using Area-Preserving Maps (Page 63)

Banerjee, Rohan

MobileHealth'14: Smart Phone Based Blood Pressure Indicator (Page 19)

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Barros, Joao

MobiHoc'14 Keynote: How to Build Vehicular Networks in the Real World (Page 123)

Barto, William C.

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Routing Overlay for Reliable Communication in Networks with Blockage (Page 409)

Beigel, Richard

MSCC'14: On Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Mobile Chargers in Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 1)

Bennett, Terrell R.

MobileHealth'14: MotionSynthesis Toolset (MoST): A Toolset for Human Motion Data Synthesis and Validation (Page 25)

Beyah, Raheem

MobiHoc'14: Minimum-sized Influential Node Set Selection for Social Networks under the Independent Cascade Model (Page 93)

Bian, Kaigui

MobiHoc'14: A Group-theoretic Framework for Rendezvous in Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 165)

MobiHoc'14: Heterogeneous Multi-channel Neighbor Discovery for Mobile Sensing Applications: Theoretical Foundation and Protocol Design (Page 307)

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Bie, Rongfang

MobiHoc'14: An Extensible and Flexible Truthful Auction Framework for Heterogeneous Spectrum Markets (Page 175)

Botta, Alessio

WiMobCity'14: WiMobCity'14 Chairs' Welcome

Brennen, Andrea

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Routing Overlay for Reliable Communication in Networks with Blockage (Page 409)

Brunette, Maria J.

MobileHealth'14: Customizable, Scalable and Reliable Community-Based Mobile Health Interventions (Page 43)

Cabrera, Juan A.

WiMobCity'14: On the Packet Loss Correlation in Wireless Mesh Networks: Channel Models and Practical Schemes (Page 55)

Cai, Zhipeng

MobiHoc'14: Capacity of Wireless Networks with Multiple Types of Multicast Sessions (Page 135)

MobiHoc'14: Minimum-sized Influential Node Set Selection for Social Networks under the Independent Cascade Model (Page 93)

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Cao, Guohong

MobiHoc'14: Quality-Aware Traffic Offloading in Wireless Networks (Page 277)

MobiHoc'14: SmartPhoto: A Resource-Aware Crowdsourcing Approach for Image Sensing with Smartphones (Page 113)

Cao, Xianghui

MobiHoc'14: A Systematic Study of the Delayed Column Generation Method for Optimizing Wireless Networks (Page 23)

Cao, Zhichao

MobiHoc'14: RxLayer: Adaptive Retransmission Layer for Low Power Wireless (Page 377)

Chatzimisios, Periklis

WiMobCity'14: WiMobCity'14 Chairs' Welcome

Chaumette, Serge

AIRBORNE'14: A Proposal for Exploring Data Mule Based Weak Rendezvous for Communication Between Loosely Coupled Convoys (Page 1)

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Chen, Guihai

MobiHoc'14: Differentially Private Spectrum Auction with Approximate Revenue Maximization (Page 185)

MobiHoc'14: Unknown Combinatorial Auction Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Spectrum Redistribution (Page 3)

Chen, Jiming

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 411)

MobiHoc'14: ESync: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 247)

Chen, Lien-Wu

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Augmented Reality Based File Transfer System for Mobile Users Using Smart Phones (Page 417)

Chen, Lin

MobiHoc'14: A Group-theoretic Framework for Rendezvous in Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 165)

MobiHoc'14: A Group-theoretic Framework for Rendezvous in Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 165)

MobiHoc'14: Heterogeneous Multi-channel Neighbor Discovery for Mobile Sensing Applications: Theoretical Foundation and Protocol Design (Page 307)

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Chen, Minghua

MobiHoc'14: Energy Efficient Multipath TCP for Mobile Devices (Page 257)

MobiHoc'14: When Backpressure Meets Predictive Scheduling (Page 33)

Chen, Si

MobiHoc'14: All Your Location are Belong to Us: Breaking Mobile Social Networks for Automated User Location Tracking (Page 43)

Chen, Xiaojiang

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Environment-Adaptive Clock Calibration for Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 425)

Chen, Yitao

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

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Chen, Zhikui

MobiHoc'14 Poster: Poster – CIS: A Community-based Incentive Scheme for Socially-aware Networking (Page 437)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Bacteria Inspired Mitigation of Selfish Users in Ad-hoc Social Networks (Page 421)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Reliable TCP for Popular Data in Socially-aware Ad-hoc Networks (Page 429)

Cheng, Bow-Nan

AIRBORNE'14: A Comparison of OLSR and OSPF-MDR for Large-Scale Airborne Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (Page 17)

AIRBORNE'14: Network-Coded Connected Dominating Set Relaying for Airborne Tactical Networks (Page 11)

Cheng, Jie

MobiHoc'14: A Matrix-Completion Approach to Mobile Network Localization (Page 327)

Cheng, Peng

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 411)

MobiHoc'14: ESync: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 247)

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Cheng, Xiuzhen

MobiHoc'14: An Extensible and Flexible Truthful Auction Framework for Heterogeneous Spectrum Markets (Page 175)

FOMC'14: An Optimal Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Crowdsourced Traffic Monitoring (Page 11)

MobiHoc'14: Message from the General Chairs

Cheng, Yu

MobiHoc'14: A Systematic Study of the Delayed Column Generation Method for Optimizing Wireless Networks (Page 23)

Chlebus, Bogdan S.

FOMC'14: Universal Routing in Multi Hop Radio Networks (Page 19)

Cholvi, Vicent

FOMC'14: Universal Routing in Multi Hop Radio Networks (Page 19)

Choudhury, Anirban Dutta

MobileHealth'14: Smart Phone Based Blood Pressure Indicator (Page 19)

Dai, Weiguo

MobiHoc'14: Fully Distributed Algorithms for Blind Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 155)

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Dai, Ying

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Recommendation System for Dynamic Spectrum Access Through Spectrum Mining and Prediction (Page 415)

Danas, Ryan A.

MobileHealth'14: Designing User-specific Plug-n-Play into Body Area Networks (Page 13)

Dani, Varsha

FOMC'14: Resource-Competitive Error Correction (Page 53)

Daniels, Andrew

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Recommendation System for Dynamic Spectrum Access Through Spectrum Mining and Prediction (Page 415)

De Poorter, Eli

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization of Network Problems on Wireless Testbeds (Page 419)

Dressler, Falko

WiMobCity'14: Towards a Vehicular Cloud - Using Parked Vehicles as a Temporary Network and Storage Infrastructure (Page 11)

Du, Hongwei

MobiHoc'14: A Matrix-Completion Approach to Mobile Network Localization (Page 327)

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Du, Xiaojiang

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Near Field Communication Based Access Control for Wireless Medical Devices (Page 423)

Du, Zhanwei

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Social Mobility based Routing in Crowdsourced Systems (Page 433)

Dung, Le The

MobiHoc'14: Poster: A Simulation Analysis on the Hop Count of Multi-hop Path in Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Networks (Page 427)

Egli, Simon

AIRBORNE'14: Routing in a Fleet of Micro Aerial Vehicles: First Experimental Insights (Page 9)

El-Tawab, Samy

MSCC'14: Scheduling in Vehicular Cloud Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (Page 7)

Faizrahnemoon, Mahsa

MobiHoc'14: Demo – Dial-a-Ride: A Green Shortest Path Algorithm (Page 413)

Fang, Dingyi

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Environment-Adaptive Clock Calibration for Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 425)

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Fitzek, Frank H. P.

WiMobCity'14: On the Packet Loss Correlation in Wireless Mesh Networks: Channel Models and Practical Schemes (Page 55)

Frieder, Ophir

MobiHoc'14: Capacity Maximization in Wireless MIMO Networks with Receiver-Side Interference Suppression (Page 145)

Fu, Lingkun

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 411)

MobiHoc'14: ESync: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 247)

Fu, Luoyi

MobiHoc'14: Optimal Determination of Source-destination Connectivity in Random Graphs (Page 205)

Fu, Xiaoming

WiMobCity'14: Social Opportunistic Sensing and Social Centric Networking: Enabling Technology for Smart Cities (Page 83)

Fu, Xinwen

MobileHealth'14: Customizable, Scalable and Reliable Community-Based Mobile Health Interventions (Page 43)

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Gao, Bo

MobiHoc'14: Supporting Mobile Users in Database-Driven Opportunistic Spectrum Access (Page 215)

Gao, Hong

MobiHoc'14: Capacity of Wireless Networks with Multiple Types of Multicast Sessions (Page 135)

Gao, Jie

MobiHoc'14: Load Balanced Short Path Routing in Large-Scale Wireless Networks Using Area-Preserving Maps (Page 63)

Gao, Zhaoyu

MobiHoc'14: All Your Location are Belong to Us: Breaking Mobile Social Networks for Automated User Location Tracking (Page 43)

Garikipati, Krishna C.

MobiHoc'14: Measurement-Based Transmission Schemes for Network MIMO (Page 387)

Ghasemzadeh, Hassan

MobileHealth'14: Designing User-specific Plug-n-Play into Body Area Networks (Page 13)

Ghazizadeh, Puya

MSCC'14: Scheduling in Vehicular Cloud Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (Page 7)

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Giustiniano, Domenico

AIRBORNE'14: Routing in a Fleet of Micro Aerial Vehicles: First Experimental Insights (Page 9)

Gong, Wei

MobiHoc'14: Wise Counting: Fast and Efficient Batch Authentication for Large-Scale RFID Systems (Page 347)

Goswami, Mayank

MobiHoc'14: Load Balanced Short Path Routing in Large-Scale Wireless Networks Using Area-Preserving Maps (Page 63)

Grimmer, Benjamin

FOMC'14: Near Linear Time 5/3-Approximation Algorithms for Two-Level Power Assignment Problems (Page 29)

Gu, Xianfeng

MobiHoc'14: Load Balanced Short Path Routing in Large-Scale Wireless Networks Using Area-Preserving Maps (Page 63)

Gu, Yu

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 411)

MobiHoc'14: ESync: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 247)

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Gu, Zhaoquan

MobiHoc'14: Fully Distributed Algorithms for Blind Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 155)

Guo, Jibin

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

Guo, Song

MobiHoc'14: Latency-optimized Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks without Node Coordination (Page 317)

Guo, Yi

MobiHoc'14: Modeling Data Dissemination in Online Social Networks: A Geographical Perspective on Bounding Network Traffic Load (Page 53)

Habak, Karim

MobiHoc'14: COSMOS: Computation Offloading as a Service for Mobile Devices (Page 287)

Hahm, Oliver

MobileHealth'14: On Real-Time Requirements in Constrained Wireless Networks for Mobile Health (Page 1)

Handle, Philipp

WiMobCity'14: Towards a Vehicular Cloud - Using Parked Vehicles as a Temporary Network and Storage Infrastructure (Page 11)

He, Hong

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

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He, Jing (Selena)

MobiHoc'14: Minimum-sized Influential Node Set Selection for Social Networks under the Independent Cascade Model (Page 93)

He, Liang

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 411)

MobiHoc'14: ESync: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 247)

He, Yunhua

FOMC'14: An Optimal Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Crowdsourced Traffic Monitoring (Page 11)

Hei, Xiali

MobileHealth'14: Multi-Part File Encryption for Electronic Health Records Cloud (Page 31)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Near Field Communication Based Access Control for Wireless Medical Devices (Page 423)

Herrera, Laura

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Routing Overlay for Reliable Communication in Networks with Blockage (Page 409)

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Ho, Yu-Fan

MobiHoc'14: Demo: An Augmented Reality Based File Transfer System for Mobile Users Using Smart Phones (Page 417)

Hoon, Jeremy

MobiHoc'14: Truthful Prioritization for Dynamic Bandwidth Sharing (Page 235)

Hoteit, Sahar

WiMobCity'14: Quantifying the Achievable Cellular Traffic Offloading Gain with Passpoint Hotspots (Page 19)

Hou, I-Hong

MobiHoc'14: Message from the Workshop Chairs

Hou, Mengshu

MobiHoc'14: RxLayer: Adaptive Retransmission Layer for Low Power Wireless (Page 377)

Hu, Shangqian

MobiHoc'14: All Your Location are Belong to Us: Breaking Mobile Social Networks for Automated User Location Tracking (Page 43)

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Hu, Wenjie

MobiHoc'14: Quality-Aware Traffic Offloading in Wireless Networks (Page 277)

MobiHoc'14: SmartPhoto: A Resource-Aware Crowdsourcing Approach for Image Sensing with Smartphones (Page 113)

Hu, Yi

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Enabling Mobile Content-Oriented Networking in the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture (Page 441)

Hua, Qiang-Sheng

MobiHoc'14: Fully Distributed Algorithms for Blind Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 155)

Huang, Longbo

MobiHoc'14: When Backpressure Meets Predictive Scheduling (Page 33)

Huang, Qiuyuan

MobiHoc'14: Just FUN: A Joint Fountain Coding and Network Coding Approach to Loss-Tolerant Information Spreading (Page 83)

Hummel, Karin Anna

AIRBORNE'14: Routing in a Fleet of Micro Aerial Vehicles: First Experimental Insights (Page 9)

Ibrahim, George

MobileHealth'14: Toward Automated Categorization of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications (Page 49)