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MobiHoc 2014

Airborne 2014

FOMC 2014

MobileHealth 2014

MSCC 2014

WiMobCity 2014

Compilation Author Index

Compilation Author Index

S. N., Akshay Uttama Nambi

WiMobCity'14: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Processing Architectures for the Smart Grid (Page 91)

Saia, Jared

FOMC'14: Chairs' Welcome

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Sarkar, Saswati

MobiHoc'14: Message from the Program Chairs

Savaglio, Claudio

MobileHealth'14: MotionSynthesis Toolset (MoST): A Toolset for Human Motion Data Synthesis and Validation (Page 25)

Schildt, Sebastian

WiMobCity'14: User Study on the Feasibility of Incentive Systems for Smartphone-based DTNs in Smart Cities (Page 67)

Schiller, Jochen

MobileHealth'14: On Real-Time Requirements in Constrained Wireless Networks for Mobile Health (Page 1)

Schmid, Stefan

FOMC'14: Modeling and Measuring Graph Similarity: The Case for Centrality Distance (Page 47)

Secci, Stefano

WiMobCity'14: Quantifying the Achievable Cellular Traffic Offloading Gain with Passpoint Hotspots (Page 19)

Sermpezis, Pavlos

MobiHoc'14: Not All Content is Created Equal: Effect of Popularity and Availability for Content-Centric Opportunistic Networking (Page 103)

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Shakkottai, Srinivas

MobiHoc'14: Message from the Workshop Chairs

Shen, Xuemin (Sherman)

MobiHoc'14: A Systematic Study of the Delayed Column Generation Method for Optimizing Wireless Networks (Page 23)

Shi, Cong

MobiHoc'14: COSMOS: Computation Offloading as a Service for Mobile Devices (Page 287)

Shila, Devu Manikantan

MobiHoc'14: A Systematic Study of the Delayed Column Generation Method for Optimizing Wireless Networks (Page 23)

Shin, Kang G.

MobiHoc'14: Differentially Private Spectrum Auction with Approximate Revenue Maximization (Page 185)

MobiHoc'14: Measurement-Based Transmission Schemes for Network MIMO (Page 387)

Shnayder, Victor

MobiHoc'14: Truthful Prioritization for Dynamic Bandwidth Sharing (Page 235)

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Shrader, Brooke

MobiHoc'14: An Overlay Architecture for Throughput Optimal Multipath Routing (Page 73)

MobiHoc'14 Demo: Demo: Routing Overlay for Reliable Communication in Networks with Blockage (Page 409)

Shroff, Ness B.

MobiHoc'14: An Analytical Framework to Characterize the Efficiency and Delay in a Mobile Data Offloading System (Page 267)

Shue, Craig A.

MobileHealth'14: Designing User-specific Plug-n-Play into Body Area Networks (Page 13)

Sigg, Stephan

WiMobCity'14: Social Opportunistic Sensing and Social Centric Networking: Enabling Technology for Smart Cities (Page 83)

Sinha, Aniruddha

MobileHealth'14: Smart Phone Based Blood Pressure Indicator (Page 19)

Smoreda, Zbigniew

WiMobCity'14: Quantifying the Achievable Cellular Traffic Offloading Gain with Passpoint Hotspots (Page 19)

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Sommer, Christoph

WiMobCity'14: Towards a Vehicular Cloud - Using Parked Vehicles as a Temporary Network and Storage Infrastructure (Page 11)

Song, Lei

MobiHoc'14: Multiple Target Counting and Tracking using Binary Proximity Sensors: Bounds, Coloring, and Filter (Page 397)

Spyropoulos, Thrasyvoulos

MobiHoc'14: Not All Content is Created Equal: Effect of Popularity and Availability for Content-Centric Opportunistic Networking (Page 103)

Stein, Clifford

MobiHoc'14: Max-min Fair Rate Allocation and Routing in Energy Harvesting Networks: Algorithmic Analysis (Page 367)

Stojmenovic, Ivan

MobiHoc'14: Latency-optimized Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks without Node Coordination (Page 317)

Sun, Kairan

MobiHoc'14: Just FUN: A Joint Fountain Coding and Network Coding Approach to Loss-Tolerant Information Spreading (Page 83)

Sun, Limin

FOMC'14: An Optimal Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Crowdsourced Traffic Monitoring (Page 11)

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Sun, Yan

MobileHealth'14: Energy Constraint-Aware Routing Protocol for Data Transmission in Ad hoc Medical Care Networks (Page 7)

Synnott, John S.

MobileHealth'14: Designing User-specific Plug-n-Play into Body Area Networks (Page 13)

Tan, Chee Wei

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

Tan, Hwee Xian

AIRBORNE'14: GTA-m: Greedy Trajectory-Aware (m copies) Routing for Airborne Networks (Page 3)

Tan, Wesley Chee-Wah

WiMobCity'14: VELOR: Velocity-based Routing Protocol (Page 77)

Tang, Bin

MobiHoc'14: Latency-optimized Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks without Node Coordination (Page 317)

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Tang, Shaojie

MobiHoc'14: Modeling Data Dissemination in Online Social Networks: A Geographical Perspective on Bounding Network Traffic Load (Page 53)

MSCC'14: MSCC'14 Chairs' Welcome Message

MobiHoc'14: Unknown Combinatorial Auction Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Spectrum Redistribution (Page 3)

Thormann, Jonathon

MobiHoc'14 Poster: Poster – Crowdsourcing to Smartphones: Social Network based Human Collaboration (Page 439)

Tian, Chang

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

MSCC'14: Walk Globally, Act Locally: Efficient Influential User Identification in Mobile Social Networks (Page 29)

Tian, Xiaohua

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

Tredan, Gilles

FOMC'14: Modeling and Measuring Graph Similarity: The Case for Centrality Distance (Page 47)

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Tsarchopoulos, Panagiotis

WiMobCity'14: New Services Design for Smart Cities: A Planning Roadmap for User-Driven Innovation (Page 29)

Valera, Alvin C.

AIRBORNE'14: GTA-m: Greedy Trajectory-Aware (m copies) Routing for Airborne Networks (Page 3)

Varshney, Upkar

MobileHealth'14: Mobile Health: Medication Abuse and Addiction (Page 37)

Vasirani, Matteo

WiMobCity'14: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Processing Architectures for the Smart Grid (Page 91)

Venkatasubramanian, Krishna K.

MobileHealth'14: Designing User-specific Plug-n-Play into Body Area Networks (Page 13)

Verhoeven, Richard

WiMobCity'14: Intelligent Street Lighting Clustering (Page 101)

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Veytser, Leonid

AIRBORNE'14: A Comparison of OLSR and OSPF-MDR for Large-Scale Airborne Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (Page 17)

AIRBORNE'14: Network-Coded Connected Dominating Set Relaying for Airborne Tactical Networks (Page 11)

Visvanathan, Aishwarya

MobileHealth'14: Smart Phone Based Blood Pressure Indicator (Page 19)

Walid, Anwar

MobiHoc'14: Energy Efficient Multipath TCP for Mobile Devices (Page 257)

Wan, Peng-Jun

MobiHoc'14: Capacity Maximization in Wireless MIMO Networks with Receiver-Side Interference Suppression (Page 145)

Wan, Yan

AIRBORNE'14: Welcome Message from the Chairs

Wang, Baowei

MobiHoc'14: Capacity Maximization in Wireless MIMO Networks with Receiver-Side Interference Suppression (Page 145)

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Wang, Cheng

MobiHoc'14: Modeling Data Dissemination in Online Social Networks: A Geographical Perspective on Bounding Network Traffic Load (Page 53)

MobiHoc'14: Wise Counting: Fast and Efficient Batch Authentication for Large-Scale RFID Systems (Page 347)

Wang, Dongyang

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Modeling the Performance of Routing in Heterogeneous Delay-tolerant Networks (Page 435)

Wang, Jiliang

MobiHoc'14: RxLayer: Adaptive Retransmission Layer for Low Power Wireless (Page 377)

Wang, Ning

MSCC'14: InterestSpread: An Efficient Method for Content Transmission in Mobile Social Networks (Page 13)

Wang, Xianan

MobileHealth'14: MotionSynthesis Toolset (MoST): A Toolset for Human Motion Data Synthesis and Validation (Page 25)

Wang, Xinbing

MobiHoc'14: Optimal Determination of Source-destination Connectivity in Random Graphs (Page 205)

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

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Wang, Yi

MobiHoc'14: SmartPhoto: A Resource-Aware Crowdsourcing Approach for Image Sensing with Smartphones (Page 113)

Wang, Yi-Kai

MobiHoc'14: Belief Propagation for Spatial Spectrum Access Games (Page 225)

Wang, Yongcai

MobiHoc'14: Multiple Target Counting and Tracking using Binary Proximity Sensors: Bounds, Coloring, and Filter (Page 397)

Wattenhofer, Roger

MobiHoc'14 Keynote: Ad Hoc Networks: Pushing Mobile and Wireless Communication Since 1970 (Page 245)

Wieltholter, Sven

WiMobCity'14: Quantifying the Achievable Cellular Traffic Offloading Gain with Passpoint Hotspots (Page 19)

Wolf, Lars

WiMobCity'14: User Study on the Feasibility of Incentive Systems for Smartphone-based DTNs in Smart Cities (Page 67)

Wolisz, Adam

WiMobCity'14: Quantifying the Achievable Cellular Traffic Offloading Gain with Passpoint Hotspots (Page 19)

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Worthen, Andrew P.

MobiHoc'14 Demo: Demo: Routing Overlay for Reliable Communication in Networks with Blockage (Page 409)

Wu, Dapeng Oliver

MobiHoc'14: Just FUN: A Joint Fountain Coding and Network Coding Approach to Loss-Tolerant Information Spreading (Page 83)

Wu, Fan

MobiHoc'14: Differentially Private Spectrum Auction with Approximate Revenue Maximization (Page 185)

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

MobiHoc'14: Unknown Combinatorial Auction Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Spectrum Redistribution (Page 3)

Wu, Hongyi

MobiHoc'14: Trace-Routing in 3D Wireless Sensor Networks: A Deterministic Approach with Constant Overhead (Page 357)

Wu, Jian

MobileHealth'14: MotionSynthesis Toolset (MoST): A Toolset for Human Motion Data Synthesis and Validation (Page 25)

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Wu, Jie

MobiHoc'14: Demo: Recommendation System for Dynamic Spectrum Access Through Spectrum Mining and Prediction (Page 415)

MSCC'14: InterestSpread: An Efficient Method for Content Transmission in Mobile Social Networks (Page 13)

MobiHoc'14: Message from the General Chairs

MSCC'14: On Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Mobile Chargers in Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 1)

Wu, Muqing

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Modeling the Performance of Routing in Heterogeneous Delay-tolerant Networks (Page 435)

Wu, Weijie

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

Wu, Xuangou

MobiHoc'14: Compressive Sensing Meets Unreliable Link: Sparsest Random Scheduling for Compressive Data Gathering in Lossy WSNs (Page 13)

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Wu, Yibo

MobiHoc'14: SmartPhoto: A Resource-Aware Crowdsourcing Approach for Image Sensing with Smartphones (Page 113)

Xia, Feng

MobiHoc'14 Poster: Poster – CIS: A Community-based Incentive Scheme for Socially-aware Networking (Page 437)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Bacteria Inspired Mitigation of Selfish Users in Ad-hoc Social Networks (Page 421)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Reliable TCP for Popular Data in Socially-aware Ad-hoc Networks (Page 429)

Xia, Su

MobiHoc'14: Trace-Routing in 3D Wireless Sensor Networks: A Deterministic Approach with Constant Overhead (Page 357)

Xiang, Chaocan

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

MSCC'14: Walk Globally, Act Locally: Efficient Influential User Identification in Mobile Social Networks (Page 29)

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Xing, Wei

MobiHoc'14: Path Reconstruction in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks Using Compressive Sensing (Page 297)

Xiong, Yan

MobiHoc'14: Compressive Sensing Meets Unreliable Link: Sparsest Random Scheduling for Compressive Data Gathering in Lossy WSNs (Page 13)

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

MSCC'14: Walk Globally, Act Locally: Efficient Influential User Identification in Mobile Social Networks (Page 29)

Xu, Boliu

MobiHoc'14: Capacity Maximization in Wireless MIMO Networks with Receiver-Side Interference Suppression (Page 145)

Xu, Dan

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Environment-Adaptive Clock Calibration for Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 425)

Xu, Qiang

MobileHealth'14: Toward Automated Categorization of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications (Page 49)

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Xu, Xiaodong

MobileHealth'14: Energy Constraint-Aware Routing Protocol for Data Transmission in Ad hoc Medical Care Networks (Page 7)

Xu, Xiaohua

MobiHoc'14: Capacity Maximization in Wireless MIMO Networks with Receiver-Side Interference Suppression (Page 145)

Xue, Pei

MobileHealth'14: Energy Constraint-Aware Routing Protocol for Data Transmission in Ad hoc Medical Care Networks (Page 7)

Yang, Jinze

MobileHealth'14: Energy Constraint-Aware Routing Protocol for Data Transmission in Ad hoc Medical Care Networks (Page 7)

Yang, Lei

MobiHoc'14: Modeling Data Dissemination in Online Social Networks: A Geographical Perspective on Bounding Network Traffic Load (Page 53)

Yang, Panlong

MobiHoc'14: Compressive Sensing Meets Unreliable Link: Sparsest Random Scheduling for Compressive Data Gathering in Lossy WSNs (Page 13)

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Yang, Panlong

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

MSCC'14: Walk Globally, Act Locally: Efficient Influential User Identification in Mobile Social Networks (Page 29)

Yang, Qiuyuan

MobiHoc'14 Poster: Poster – CIS: A Community-based Incentive Scheme for Socially-aware Networking (Page 437)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Bacteria Inspired Mitigation of Selfish Users in Ad-hoc Social Networks (Page 421)

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Reliable TCP for Popular Data in Socially-aware Ad-hoc Networks (Page 429)

Yang, Shuhui

MobiHoc'14 Poster: Poster – Crowdsourcing to Smartphones: Social Network based Human Collaboration (Page 439)

Yang, Yaling

MobiHoc'14: Supporting Mobile Users in Database-Driven Opportunistic Spectrum Access (Page 215)

Yang, Yang

MobiHoc'14: Surface Skeleton Extraction and Its Application for Data Storage in 3D Sensor Networks (Page 337)

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Yang, Yongjian

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Social Mobility based Routing in Crowdsourced Systems (Page 433)

Yang, Zhe

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Environment-Adaptive Clock Calibration for Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 425)

Ye, Baoliu

MobiHoc'14: Latency-optimized Broadcast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks without Node Coordination (Page 317)

Ye, Qiang

MobiHoc'14: A Matrix-Completion Approach to Mobile Network Localization (Page 327)

Yin, Xiaoyan

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Environment-Adaptive Clock Calibration for Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 425)

Yin, Yitong

MobiHoc'14: Belief Propagation for Spatial Spectrum Access Games (Page 225)

Young, Maxwell

FOMC'14: Chairs' Welcome

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Yu, Bin

MSCC'14: Confidence-interval Based Sensing Quality Evaluation for Mobile Sensor Networks (Page 25)

Yu, Le

MobiHoc'14: All Your Location are Belong to Us: Breaking Mobile Social Networks for Automated User Location Tracking (Page 43)

Zamani, Mahdi

FOMC'14: Secure Location Sharing (Page 1)

Zegura, Ellen

MobiHoc'14: COSMOS: Computation Offloading as a Service for Mobile Devices (Page 287)

Zhang, Chijun

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Social Mobility based Routing in Crowdsourced Systems (Page 433)

Zhang, Feixiong

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Enabling Mobile Content-Oriented Networking in the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture (Page 441)

Zhang, Jinbei

MobiHoc'14: Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Cognitive Networks (Page 125)

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Zhang, Jing

MobiHoc'14: A Matrix-Completion Approach to Mobile Network Localization (Page 327)

Zhang, Maotian

MSCC'14: Walk Globally, Act Locally: Efficient Influential User Identification in Mobile Social Networks (Page 29)

Zhang, Shaoquan

MobiHoc'14: When Backpressure Meets Predictive Scheduling (Page 33)

Zhang, Tao

MSCC'14: Evaluating and Analyzing the Performance of RPL in Contiki (Page 19)

Zhang, Yanyong

MobiHoc'14: Poster: Enabling Mobile Content-Oriented Networking in the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture (Page 441)

Zhao, Feng

MobiHoc'14: An Extensible and Flexible Truthful Auction Framework for Heterogeneous Spectrum Markets (Page 175)

Zheng, Huanyang

MSCC'14: On Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Mobile Chargers in Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 1)

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Zheng, Likun

MobiHoc'14: ESync: An Energy Synchronized Charging Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (Page 247)

Zheng, Meng

MobiHoc'14: Heterogeneous Multi-channel Neighbor Discovery for Mobile Sensing Applications: Theoretical Foundation and Protocol Design (Page 307)

Zheng, Rong

MobileHealth'14: Message from the General Chairs of MobileHealth 2014

MobileHealth'14: Toward Automated Categorization of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications (Page 49)

Zheng, Xiao

MobiHoc'14: Compressive Sensing Meets Unreliable Link: Sparsest Random Scheduling for Compressive Data Gathering in Lossy WSNs (Page 13)

Zheng, Xu

MobiHoc'14: Capacity of Wireless Networks with Multiple Types of Multicast Sessions (Page 135)

Zheng, Zhenzhe

MobiHoc'14: Unknown Combinatorial Auction Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Spectrum Redistribution (Page 3)

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Zhong, Sheng

MobiHoc'14: Belief Propagation for Spatial Spectrum Access Games (Page 225)

Zhu, Haojin

MobiHoc'14: All Your Location are Belong to Us: Breaking Mobile Social Networks for Automated User Location Tracking (Page 43)

Zhu, Ruihao

MobiHoc'14: Differentially Private Spectrum Auction with Approximate Revenue Maximization (Page 185)

Ziemlicki, Cezary

WiMobCity'14: Quantifying the Achievable Cellular Traffic Offloading Gain with Passpoint Hotspots (Page 19)

Zussman, Gil

MobiHoc'14: Max-min Fair Rate Allocation and Routing in Energy Harvesting Networks: Algorithmic Analysis (Page 367)